Boxes cutting off

Oct 13, 2021

Hi, I have noticed some of my shapes/callout boxes are being cut off, but only when the project is published and if the user is zoomed in or out. It ranges on devices, but I've noticed that for some devices, the screen is fine on 100%, while on others the screen messes up on 100%. Do you know how I can fix this?  

2 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hello Reece!

Thank you for attaching screenshots! I do see where the shape is cut off when zooming in. Have you tried using the Modern Player instead of the Classic Player to see if that makes a difference? Are you finding this happens in a specific browser on all devices, or doesn't it happen across all browsers?

It would be helpful to see your project. Can you share the .story file with us? You can attach it to this public discussion or upload it privately in a support case.