Built-in ElapsedTime variables reset to 0 when course exited, re-opened and resumed

Jul 28, 2023

I've been testing the built-in Slide.ElapsedTime and Project.ElapsedTime variables with a course that's been published and uploaded to our LMS (SumTotal). Both those variables appear to reset to 0 when I exit the course, re-open it and choose Resume.

Is that the expected behavior? Does it differ with different export methods (I've only tested LMS Scorm 1.2 so far)?

If so, has anyone found a workaround? 


2 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hello Douglas, 

Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, I can confirm that the built-in Elapsed Time Variables reset when a learner exits a course. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to change the behavior of these variables so I'll let other members of the community chime in in case they may have a solution available that uses Javascript or something similar.