Bulk export of .vtt closed captions Storyline 360

Nov 14, 2017

Hi, we are currently in the process of creating multiple translations in our course catalogue  and I am enquiring is there a way in Storyline 360 to bulk export closed caption files? We only send the caption files to the translation company.

Any help in this would be very much appreciated.

39 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Liam and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Storyline 360 has the ability to export your captions as you are asking.

Sounds like you may have multiple video files and/or audio files though. I think that would make a great feature and I'm submitting on your behalf.

If you have other ideas, please feel free to share here.

Joe Shultheis

Thanks Seth,
I tried that service with no luck. When I uploaded my file it said it does not recognize it as a file it can use, yet it is an .xml file that works fine for the closed captions in FLASH projects. It then said It could do it for a fee. I work for the government and it would be an act of God taking 6 months to get any funds. Thanks though.

Joe Shultheis

Lina Espinosa

Any update on this? This is a much needed feature as in most of the projects I am working on, I am creating video tutorials using multiple screen recordings and text to speech audio. Then publishing the file as a video and add it to Rise 360 (video block).

I need to be able to export the VTT files in bulk in order to upload the VTT file to Rise.
