2 Replies
John Morgan

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for asking this question! Currently, there is no way to add a question to a layer. The best way to possibly see a change in a feature is to submit a feature request. You can submit one here. If the request makes it onto our feature roadmap, we’ll make sure to update you in this conversation!

Walt Hamilton

I'm not sure what you want, but it might be possible to get the same effect using a lightbox.

See the attached sample. The way it is now, it uses a question slide. if you want to see a question bank in action, change the order of the lightbox triggers on slide 1. The trouble with lightboxing a question slide is that the built-in submit button doesn't show, so you have to create your own. You also have to change the triggers on the layers from "Jump to next slide" to "Close lightbox"