Can I control the height of the player bottom bar?

Dec 02, 2016

In my SL2 project, some slides have Prev/Next buttons in the bottom bar, and some have no controls. When there are no controls, the height of the bottom bar is reduced. Is there a way I can make the bottom bar stay the same height, whether or not there are any controls in it?

2 Replies
Christophe Jacobs

Hi Stuart,

Try adding 1 slide in your project that has a PREV / NEXT button. However, make sure that a user cannot access this slide. So don't have a trigger jumping to this slide and don't include this in the Table of Content.

Because you have 1 slide that needs the space for the navigation buttons, all of your slides will have this space.

Try it out and let me know if this is what you are looking for.

Kind regards,


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stuart,

The player will add some elements of padding to accommodate player features as described here. If those items are not on a particular slide, the player won't resize based on not including them. If you're seeing something different, would we be able to take a look at the course in question? you can share a copy of the .story file here with us using the "Add Attachment" button. 

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