Can I use a ranking question for the course facilitator?

Aug 26, 2013

I can't find out if the facilitator can see the overall results of learners ranking the course objectives. I want the course facilitator to view all the learner responses to a ranking exercises on which objectives are the most important to them. This way, the facilitator can speed up the unimportant, and focus on the important.

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sharon,

I assume you're hosting this course in an LMS, where the facilitator has access to the results? You should be able to pull the ranking results as you would look at any other answer. For example, I did a basic test and loaded it to my Articulate Online account and saw my two results for ranking the most important like below: 

 If you need to know how to run reports from your LMS, I'd suggest that you connect with your LMS administrator. 

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