Can't Close PDF Resources in Chrome

Nov 27, 2018


I have noticed recently that when a learner views a Storyline 360 course in Chrome, they can't close PDFs when opened from Resources.  Rather than opening the PDF in a new window or tab, it is opening it over top of the course and then there is no way to close the document. This has never been an issue in the past, I'm assuming something has changed either in Chrome or Storyline or maybe even our IT environment?

I've looked through the community posts and can't seem to find a resolution beyond recommending that I change a setting in Chrome.  But upon investigating in Chrome, I can't find a setting. We have a call into our IT department.

This is a HUGE issue for us, we have many courses that have resources attached and we need to fix this ASAP.  Has anyone else encountered this and were able to resolve.

Thank you so much for your help.

3 Replies
Katie Riggio

So sorry you're running into that in Chrome, Amanda. We can help!

Could you help me with these key details?

  • Do you run into the same behavior on other browsers?
    • If it's only happening on Chrome, could you let me know the version you're using?
  • Did you publish the course for Web, LMS, or something else?
  • Would you be able to share your .story file so I can take a closer look? You can attach it to this discussion, or send it to me privately here.

Looking forward to lending a hand!

Heather Ross

I am currently having this issue in Chrome with Resources. I have a document that opens in a new window but you can no longer see the course but it is actually hidden behind the document. When you close the document you think the course is gone but if you hover your mouse over the chrome icon on the bottom you will see the course in a separate instance of Google Chrome.  Help!

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