Can't Get Hover Section to "Glow"

Jun 15, 2023

Ok, this one has me flummoxed. I have a graphic with different sections that, when hovered over, creates a glowing effect, then when clicked, reveals a layer. I just added a section, and the click function work, but the hover does not.

I think I used the same hotspot settings, but I am missing something.

Invisible cookie to anyone who can help!

6 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Brian,

I'm happy to chime in! The hover interaction is set up perfectly in your project, including on the outer ring; you just need to put the glow effect on this part of the circle.

The Normal state is currently identical to the Job Knowledge state. Please check out this quick Peek 360 recording I prepared for you with more details.

Let me know if you have questions, and I'll be more than happy to assist further.