Can't stop sound replaying when revisiting slide

Sep 04, 2014

I'm putting together a narrated tutorial that allows students to go 'home' at various points. I can stop the narration replaying when they're going from a layer back to the base slide, but not when they revisit a different slide. I've tried various things but nothing works

2 Replies
Greg Faust

Hi, Averil. Welcome to ELearning Heroes.

It's hard to be sure what's happening without an example.

I trust the "various things" you've tried have included the "When revisiting..." slide property and layer property?

One thing to note: Storyline sometimes has trouble revisiting a slide if a layer was open when the user left the slide.

So, for example,

  1. User pulls up Layer1 by clicking a button on the slide.
  2. User clicks "Next" with Layer1 still open.
  3. User clicks "Prev".
  4. Triggers on Layer1 that *should* stop the base layer from playing somehow don't work now.

Maybe that helps? If not, please let us know what things you've tried so far. Maybe throw together an example presentation.

Also, what logic are you trying for? That is, does the base layer need to play ONLY the first time it's visited? If so, the solution might be as simple as a pair of triggers set to go off when the timeline of the base layer starts. The first trigger tells the slide to stop, but only if DummyVariable is set to True. The second trigger sets DummyVariable to True.

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