Can you customise Slide Properties for "When Revisiting"...?

Jul 10, 2014

Hi everyone,

I am creating a handbook in storyline that has a front cover (Level 1) and different tabs (Level 2), which then lead onto content (Level 3). What I would like to achieve is:

When a user clicks from the front cover (L1) to a tab (L2), then to a content page (L3), and the clicks the BACK BUTTON to go back to tab (L2) - the tab page RESUMES TO ITS SAVED STATE.

However, if the user then clicks BACK BUTTON again to go back to front cover (L1), and then clicks on a tab (L2) 'fresh' it RESUMES TO INITIAL STATE.

Is that possible?

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

5 Replies
Greg Faust

How are you breaking this up? I.e. are these "tabs" layers on a slide or separate slides? If they're separate slides, are they accessed with "Jump to Slide" triggers or Lightbox triggers?

Ashley's suggestion is apt; understanding Storyline's built-in revisiting settings is your best first step if you aren't already familiar. If those are insufficient, though, know that you can store and load the states of your tabs with triggers and variables.

Jasmine Jakhu

Greg Faust said:

How are you breaking this up? I.e. are these "tabs" layers on a slide or separate slides? If they're separate slides, are they accessed with "Jump to Slide" triggers or Lightbox triggers?

Ashley's suggestion is apt; understanding Storyline's built-in revisiting settings is your best first step if you aren't already familiar. If those are insufficient, though, know that you can store and load the states of your tabs with triggers and variables.

Hi Greg,

Yep the slide features options won;t work because the tabs are broken down on slide layers on one slide. I had thought variables may come into play, but I'm not sure how.

How can you make a slide show different layers upon revisiting, depenind on which slide you're revisiting from??

Greg Faust

Jasmine Jakhu said:

How can you make a slide show different layers upon revisiting, depenind on which slide you're revisiting from??

Adjust how you think about this.

You can write triggers that activate only if criteria are met, but these criteria are limited to:

  1. the value of a variable (which carries over slide to slide),
  2. the state of an object (but only objects on the same slide as the trigger), or
  3. whether the slide is being shown as a normal slide or a lightbox.

You can set conditional triggers to activate when a layer's timeline begins, and in this fashion you can set various things on a layer based on what else has been going on.

Here's the catch: A slide/layer/etc. doesn't know or care where you came from.

You need to think, "Okay, how does the user get to this layer? What button will have been clicked? What layer will have been visited? What event in the past is the deciding factor in whether I need certain objects to reset?"

For example, you could make a variable "ResetTab" and put a trigger on the Contents Layer:
When Timeline Begins

Adjust Variable


Value == True


When User Clicks [the button to get to a tab]

Adjust Variable


Value == True

Then, on the tab, have a trigger:

When Timeline Begins

Adjust Variable


Value == False

But BEFORE that on the tab, have triggers that reset objects to their original states (I don't know what these would look like, because I don't know what your tabs look like. I'm guessing they'd be triggers like "Show Layer", "Hide Layer", and "Change State of Object to Normal/Hidden"), but only on condition that ResetTab == True.

Does that make sense?

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