Can you use Adobe Edge in Storyline

Nov 30, 2012

Hi there,

My boss wants to use Adobe Edge for animations for Mathematics in our Slides.

Is this possible in Storyline? How do I obtain the HTML content of a published project?

If anyone has done this please let me know.


17 Replies
Tracy Logan

I'm trying to do the same thing but when I go to the folder with the Edge file, I get a message saying it can't find the folder. When I manually navigate to it through windows, the folder and the html file are there. Am I missing something?

EDIT: I just realized the file has to be name index.html. Kind of limiting.

Tracy Logan

Yes, I did get it to work but the problem I'm having now is that if I point to a folder location on our network, it doesn't appear to pull that into storyline. To test this I renamed the folder with the Edge file and when I went to view the page in storyline that has the Edge file, it couldn't find the file. Is there another way to do this so that it pulls it into the published files when you publish the storyline project?

Steve Flowers

Not limiting at all, imo. The folder needs to have an index.html file so Storyline knows what file to point to first. You can link to any file within the folder as all of the files are "carried on" to Storyline's published output. 

So, for example, you could have 1000 files in that folder and the index.html file could be completely empty. Since the folder has the index.html file, you can bring all of those images into your project. You could use javascript triggers to create an object overlay and call all of these files.

You could also simply rename the initial launch file or setup some script in your index.html file to redirect. Or redirect based on time of day. Or redirect based on where it is launched. Or detect using GPS (something you can do in HTML5) and redirect based on that information. 

So it's a mechanic of the way the web object works to simplify the interface. Not a limitation once you understand how it operates.

Tracy Logan

That's good news then! So then I must be doing something wrong but I went to the network share drive and pulled up the index.html file. It worked. However if I renamed that network share drive folder name, the storyline edge page stopped working. So that's why I don't see how it's pulling it into the storyline published files.

Steve Flowers

Couple of things to look at. When you publish your project, explore the output. Look under story_content/WebObjects. You should see one or more folders with GUIIDs. Open the one (or other) folders and check to see that your entire structure is there for the edge output. If it is, try to run the edge output from this location. If it runs, there's another problem. 

When you run the output are you running it locally when it fails? If not, are you running it from an https:// location or from an http:// location? Open in Chrome, Firefox, or a newer version of IE if you have them available. Use the developer tools in one of these to watch the console. More than likely, the package is kicking an error. Whatever file is indicated by this error is the source of the problem. It's likely that the jquery file is launching from a cdn that your host won't launch. It's easy to fix by copying the dependency to your local structure and changing the URL in your html file.

Steve Flowers

It should work for both. LMS publish is almost identical to Web publish. You could actually use your LMS publish as a Web publish and point to the story.html file. They are practically identical except for the additional files for the LMS. If you're not running through the files suffixed for _lms, you're not even using those extra things.

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