Cannot delete slider variables

May 04, 2022

I copied a slide with sliders, and I can't get rid of the variables it created. The variables are not referenced anywhere, but since the ORIGINAL sliders still exist, I cannot delete the variables.

It says "• Referenced by "Data Slider" on "1.2 Offer Purchasing Flow" in "1 Untitled Scene""

But how can a slider reference another slider? How can I delete these?

See attached screenshot. Thanks for your help!

5 Replies
Rebecca Mogollon

Thank you Walt! I deleted the copied sliders, so I would have expected the variables for those sliders to disappear, as well. Here’s how it happened:



  • Slider 1 (variable: Slider1)
  • Slider 2 (variable: Slider2)
  • Slider 3 (variable: Slider3)


Sliders/variables added:

  • Slider 4 (variable: Slider4)
  • Slider 5 (variable: Slider5)
  • Slider 6 (variable: Slider6)



  • Slider 4 (variable: Slider4)
  • Slider 5 (variable: Slider5)
  • Slider 6 (variable: Slider6)


Variables still visible in variable chart:

  • Slider1 (referenced by Slider 1)
  • Slider2 (referenced by Slider 2)
  • Slider3 (referenced by Slider 3)
  • Slider4 (referenced by Slider 1)
  • Slider5 (referenced by Slider 2)
  • Slider6 (referenced by Slider 3)


How can I get Sliders 1, 2, and 3 to stop referencing variables 4, 5, and 6, so I can delete them?

Walt Hamilton

Two sliders can reference the same variable, but one slider can't reference two variables. What you describe should not have happened, so I think there is some corruption in your slide, or the sliders. As such, you don't want to just delete the variables, as the corruption may linger and cause problems down the road. If it were mine, I would start a new project, and import the other slides, except the slide in question. I would completely rebuild it from scratch, copying nothing, but recreating everything, and hope that cleared up the problem.

Alternatively, you might submit a support ticket, and hope they can pinpoint the exact problem, but that can take time, too.