Caption for Video

Dec 26, 2012


I have tried to use this tool and found it awesome!!

I am wondering if you can add the caption on video so that we can share the video which English speaker giving speech and followed by caption in local language such as Japanese or Chinese.

Your advise would be most appreciated!


8 Replies
Bruce Graham

Hi Maya, and welcome to the Heroes Community.

One of the things about using Storyline video is that it is just another object - so you can achieve what you want to do by just adding a text box, or one of the "Captions" (Insert > Caption) on top of the video.

The caption boxes can be fully customised in terms of format, so you can get them to look and feel exactly as you want.

Hope this helps, and once again welcome - hope to see you around the forums.


Maya  Hirai

Hello, Bruce Super Hero!

Thank you so much for replying on my question.

I deeply appreciate for that.

I have tried the way you told me and I successfully inserted the captions on timeline.

I am trying to insert the captions like movie subtitle.

Now I am piling up the text boxes on second layer named ‘line’

When I play the timeline, it works well with based layer though I don’t see any captions when I see the preview and I can’t figure out how it works.

I am not sure about how the multiple layers work together on preview.

If you could help me on this, that would be most appreciated.

Thank you so much.


Maya  Hirai

Hi Bruce the hero,

Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate for that.

I believe I have attached the file with this message.

( I am even not sure if I have successfully attached the file though....)

If you could take a look and give me some advice, that would be great!

Thank you so much.


Bruce Graham

Hi Maya,

Will not get a chance to look today I'm afraid.

I would not worry about using layers.

All you need to do is create one text box for each piece of speech that you want "captioned", and have it fade in/fade out on the Base Layer in time with the video.

I would try and have as much text as possible in each box, or you will end up with a lot of boxes to synchronise.

Does that help?


Christine Hendrickson

Hi there Chris,

Have you tried removing the player controls from the video itself? If you do that and use the seekbar to pause/play the timeline, it should control all of the objects on the slide - including the video. However, this also depends on the type of video you're using. Are you inserting an actual video file, screen recording or embedding/inserting the video as a web object?

If you can give us a little more information, we'd be happy to help :D


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