Change Shape or Button State

Aug 29, 2019

Due to security concerns, I cannot upload my file for you to view and dissect. I've tried this with both buttons and with shapes, and I've received the same non-result.  

Here is my scenario... I have for "buttons" that are designed to go to the same slide. In order to tell the user that he/she doesn't need to click all 4 items, when he/she clicks 1 of them, the other 3 will change their state to "visited". This works, when I have only 1 item programmed. I can move to the assigned slide, and both the slide that is programmed to change state and the item i clicked on both change to "visited". Once I add the 2nd trigger, to change the 2nd item to "visited" when they click on any of the other 3 items, I do not move forward to the desired slide, nor does the button/shape change to "visited".  


Here are my triggers with assigned logic, button/shape 1, button/shape 2, button/shape 3, button/shape 4

This works as desired:

Button 1:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 1

Change state of Button 1, when state of Button 2 or Button 3 or Button 4 are visited

Button 2:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 2


Button 3:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 3


Button 4:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 4  


This is not working:

Button 1:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 1

Change state of Button 1, when state of Button 2 or Button 3 or Button 4 are visited

Button 2:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 2

 Change state of Button 2, when state or Button 1 or Button 3 or Button 4 are visited

Button 3:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 3


Button 4:

Jump to Slide 2, when user clicks Button 4  


I've even separated the change state trigger into 3 separate triggers. This works when the 3 are assigned to only 1 button, but fails when adding the second button.







9 Replies
Phil Mayor

You do not need any triggers to change to visited it is automatic.

Looks like your trigger order may be off as all triggers should be before a jump to trigger or they will not fire as it jumps before the trigger.

As you setting the slide to resume saved state? I don't see any triggers to set to visited on return (timeline start).

Jeff Miller

Phil - 

Understand your comment, and appreciate it.  I bounded my logic off a coworker, and she was as baffled as I.

The change to visited is to change button 1 to visited if they click on 2, 3, or 4. This works when I have that logic for only 1 button, but when I add the same logic to change button 2 to visited if they click on 1, 3, or 4, the system breaks down. I've also changed the order of the triggers, same no-go result. Setting the slide to "resume saved state" wouldn't affect it, because it's failing on the first attempt when there are the 2 triggers.

Phil Mayor

I am a little confused.

You jump to slide 2 and then return to slide 1?

In that case (unless I am mistaken) you should not see a state change because you will jump to slide 2, and although the trigger event is on the state I don't think there is enough time for it to change before you jump slides.

When you come back to the slide unless you have set to resume saved state then none of the buttons will/could be visited as automatic is flakey. Even then the state trigger will not work as its event fired whilst you were jumping slides. It would be better to control this type of thing off variables, but if you want to use just triggers, then I would set to resume saved state and have 4 triggers to change each button on timeline start if one is visited.

It may just be I am confused, my gut would tell me there is just not enough time to validate the event trigger. 

Jeff Miller

I'm on slide 1, with buttons 1-4. Buttons 1-4 all go to slide 2. As soon as you click the item, it will change to visited. There is a split second as the slide is changing you can see the difference in state. (Agree you shouldn't necessarily see it.) Then when you return to slide 1 it shows as visited. Again, this is working when I have only 1 button programmed. Once i add the second button, no go. On my first attempt with the 2nd programmed button, it will not even go from slide 1 to slide 2, and the only item that changes to visited is the clicked button.  This is how I know it's not a "Automatically decide" or "saved state" conflict. 

I'm attempting variables now, and it's becoming very cumbersome.

Does that help?

Phil Mayor

If you don't come back to the slide then it doesn't matter. Once you jump slides then no triggers fire anymore as the slide no longer exists. I don't know if in the time between jumping and actually jumping there is time for the state change triggers you have to fire.

If all you want to do is show that all buttons become visited, why not set all buttons just to show a layer, on the layer set a trigger to jump to slide 2 when the timeline reaches 0.2 seconds.

If that doesn't work add triggers to change the state for each button when the timeline starts and then jump to next slide in that order, that way you won't need variables.


The when state trigger is probably the least reliable.


Jeff Miller

I was able to make the slide work using variables. I created 4 true/false variables ,1 for each button set to false. Then i added a trigger to change the variable from false to true when the user clicks on that button. Next i have 1 trigger to change button 2 (3, 4) to visited when button 1's variable changes to true. This then works when i add in the second button.

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