Change State of Button to Normal once Quiz question has been submitted

Jan 02, 2018

I am working on a training where I have 5 questions linking to a starter slide.  Each question is associated with a specific button.  4 of the 5 buttons start off as disabled and change state to normal once the previous question has been submitted.  I have added in variables based off of earlier discussion posts but for some reason, the state of each button does not change.  I have attached a copy of the training to assist.  Thank you for your help with this.

5 Replies
Zachary Mandell

Hi Bob,

Here is what I have currently for when completing the first question prior to moving to the next button/question:

Main Slide:

Action: Change State Of

On Object: Button 3

To State: Normal

When: Variable Changed

Variable QuestionA

On Condition: QuestionA = =  Equal to True


And for the Quiz Slide:

Action: Adjust Variable

Variable: QuestionA

Operator: = Assignment

Value: Value / True

When: User Clicks

Object: Submit Button


Am I missing something or did I mix something up?

Michael Hinze

Have a look at the attached and see if that's what you want. I changed a couple of things on the menu slide: 1. Change the slide's Revisit behaviour to 'Reset to Initial State' and 2. Changed the trigger (I only did the setup for button 3) to change the state 'When timeline starts', not when variable changes (the variable changes on another slide, not the menu slide).

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