Changing button state to visited when a person does not click on it but access the layer from another layer?

Aug 21, 2022


I have attached one slide with multiple buttons. Each of the buttons has 4 different states: normal (dark green), hover (yellow), selected (light green), and visited (grey). Now, I didn't want people to close the pop up layers each time and click on a new button. It seems tedious. So I added a 'next' button which lets you jump from one layer (ex. layer 1) to another (layer 2) without having to press close. However, I want the button for layer 2 to change to gray (visited state) when I jump onto it- instead of clicking the button to access it.  How can I do that?

Thanks! :)


1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

Try this.

When you click the Next Button on each layer, it sets the corresponding button on the base to visited.

Personally, I found it very hard to work with this slide, because the object names are so very different than their content. Renaming them could save you a LOT of development time.

I also think it is not quite as vulnerable to have the Close Button "Hide this layer", as opposed to "Jump to this slide".