Changing State of Next Button to Enabled when Hotspots clicked

Oct 07, 2022

Hi, I am working on a module that contains no audio. On some of the slides, users are prompted to click a hotspot to reveal text. 

The Next button is set to Hidden when timeline starts. 

I have set up a T/F variable - when a user clicks the hotspot, the variable changes to True. 

How do I change the state of the Next button to Normal once the hotspot is clicked (variable changes to True)? I have the following, but it's not working: 

"Set State of Next button to Normal when the timeline ends on this slide if Variable - value True."

Is it the "timeline ends" piece? When I click hotspot after the timeline ends, the Next button does not change to Normal. What should I use instead of "timeline ends"? 

Thank you!


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