Completion Certificate in Storyline

Oct 17, 2014

Hi Heroes,

Does anyone know if Storyline 2 has completion certificates? I need to be able to pull the learner's name from the LMS, insert it into a certificate and allow learners to print it off at the end of the course - all within Storyline 2. If anyone has any insights, I would be grateful.



7 Replies
Rocky Carlisle

I did this a little differently since we're using this for a license renewal exam. In the very beginning (3rd slide), I created a registration slide where the user enters their name and license number into two different text boxes that are stored as variables. At the conclusion of the course, I set up the quiz report using the two layers, one for pass and the other for fail. If they fail the final exam, then they have the option of repeating the course (about 3 hours) or retaking the final exam. If they pass, they the other layer displays that gives them their score and a Next button that takes them to the Certificate of Completion.


For the Certificate, I created an image of the usual certificate and entered two text boxes to display the variables I created for registration ( name and License number) and then a 3rd test box that enters the date based on the Articulate server's date so they cannot enter an erroneous completion date. I used java script to pull the date. We've been using this for over a year with great results. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jan,

Where are you testing the output to see how it'll print? You'll want to confirm that you've uploaded to a web server or LMS and then are testing it in one of the supported browsers here, as testing the content locally can cause elements of it to not  work as expected. 

If that's still not working for you, you'll want to share a copy of your course here with the community so that they can take a look at the set up as it's not something our team can offer support for.

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