compound triggers

Aug 09, 2012

From what I can tell there isn't a way to do a compound trigger?

I have two check boxes.  I have them in a Button Set so you can only select one at a time.

A and B both start out = false

If you select Button 1, variable A = true

If you select Button 2, variable B = true

However, I want only one of the variables to be set to true at any given time...

If you select Button 1, variable A = true [ and set B = false ]

If you select Button 2, variable B = true [ and set A = false ]

I need the extra part at the end to ensure it works if they click A and then click B instead.  I need to be able to set A back to false after they click B.

Any ideas on how these triggers would look?  Thanks!

4 Replies
Heather Beaudoin

I'm thrilled to find any way to make it work!

I have two check boxes on a slide.  One means they need more practice.  The other means they're done with that content.  They choose which they want.

At the end of a bunch of those slides, you come to a Practice slide that lists all the words.  I've created different states for each word shown... the word is formatted in one way in the Practice state and just left in the Normal state if they were done with the content.

This works fine except when they click Practice by accident and then click Done instead.  The Practice variable was already set, so I need to be able to set it back when they click the other check box.


My next phase is to make all the words on the Practice slide clickable to a lightbox of the original slide (so they can do the practice).  That time around, they will click Done if they got it, and I'll need to change the state of the word to a different formatting to show it was practiced but now is done.

Is this making sense?

Heather Beaudoin

Thanks, Brent.  I was trying not to have to have two triggers for each one, but I guess I do.

For that second part of the project, I'm running into a snag... My variables are updating properly, but I can't get my slide to reload after a lightbox slide opens and is closed on top of it.  I've played with the slide property settings but no luck.  I just need the slide to reload to use the updated variable settings (that were changed in the lightbox)... and which are used to influence the state of the object on the base slide.

Is there a way to do that?

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