Connect the results of one capsule and have them reflected in another capsule

Apr 29, 2024

Hello everyone.
I would like to know if there is any way to connect the results of one capsule and have them reflected in another capsule.
That is, if the first capsule has activities and these are answered correctly, the results of the first capsule appear in the other capsule. Or on the contrary, if the activities are answered incorrectly in the first capsule, these results will appear in the other capsule.
If it can be done, I would be very grateful if you could help me.
Thank you so much.

2 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Depende de lo que quiere decir capsule. Si habla de diferentes escenas en un solo curso, es muy facil. Solamente necesita crear un variable, y pasar la informacion que necesita. Cambia la informacion en escena uno, y cuando llega a escena dos, el variable contendra la misma informacion.

Si habla de pasar informacion desde un curso a otro, es cosa muy diferente y dificil.