Copying Triggers

May 23, 2012

Hello All!

I apologize if this was posted in a different discussion, but how do I copy an object and its' trigger and paste it on a different slide?



34 Replies
Steve Flowers

Hi, Tracy - 

You can only select a single trigger at a time. So there's no way to copy more than one trigger at a time unless you attach it to a dummy object. 

For example, draw a square off stage and copy your triggers to that object. When you copy and paste this object your triggers should be transported with it. Some of the triggers may break if the destination doesn't contain the targets of the trigger. These are clearly indicated by red underlined text.

Michael Shannon


I just figured out how to lock the navigation with variables and now I need all five of the triggers I've set up to be on over sixty slides.

I noticed the post date of this discussion and am hoping this issue has been resolved in a newer version. Is it so and I just can't find it? If not, how do we submit a request because I certainly don't look forward to copy/pasting all of those triggers one at a time or using Steve's hack.

Steve Flowers

Other option is putting the triggers on the master slide. If your trigger conditions are variable listeners, the triggers should still work.

I've been using objects to transport variables quite a bit. Adding triggers to a hidden object (with one last trigger to hide the object) and showing the object with a separate trigger is a neat way to make the object behave like a function.

Michael Shannon

Steve. Thanks for the reply. I just tried your solution and it solved one problem (easily copy/pasting triggers/variables) but again this is another workaround. And it does create a lot of work, albeit not as much as recreating all of those variables and triggers again for each slide.

This is being used to lock the next button until (?) so when I use your solution by attaching the triggers to an object I have go back and edit every trigger on every page so they point to the slide instead of the object. Otherwise all of the functionality breaks. I've been able to move one trigger to the slide master: The set variable to false when timeline starts (this resets my lockNextButton so it can be used again from previous slide). All others have to be on each slide individually (total of 4, so not too bad).

Thanks again.

Kim Mars

If you select the trigger you want to copy, using the 'copy' button, then go to the left hand pane where your slides are listed. You can select multiple slides by holding the SHIFT key down and clicking on the slides you want to copy to. Press 'control v' (NOT the Paste button on the right hand side) then it will copy that trigger to all the slides you have selected.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Al,

As Michael mentioned it's not a feature of Storyline 2 either. Depending on what triggers you're looking to copy, if they're assigned to an object, copying and duplicating the object would take all the triggers as well and copy those, so possibly that is an option for you? 

Additionally I'd also invite you to share your feedback here as well, as those go to our product development team for review. 

Sjoerd de Vries

Nice idea, but not all triggers can be attached to an object.


For example I added a "Show Layer x when timeline starts if variable z is equal to true"

However, when I add a "Show Layer x when variable z changes if variable z is equal to true" is Always added to the Slide Trigger.

Variables that are changed on cue points also are on slide triggers.

Then again, if you have to copy a lot of triggere to other slides this is quite cumbersome.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anika,

Sorry for my confusion you mentioned "copy a bunch of triggers for showing a slide" - if you need to copy multiple layers at once, I'd look instead at duplicating the slide as that'll keep all the layers as well. If you copy just that one layer, it will copy the objects and triggers on that layer, but there isn't a way to copy more than one layer at a time. 

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