Corrupt file. Anyway to recover it?

Feb 18, 2015

Last night i finished working at Articulate Storyline and this morning I opened my file and it is corrupt. 

I don't know what happen. Any ideas? Is there any possibilities to recover my work?


13 Replies
Walt Hamilton


You might try copying your file to another file. You also might shut your computer off completely and restart.

Not to be a smart-aleck, or anything, but seriously. EVERYBODY: you should frequently ask yourself "If this is the moment my computer ruins my file, will I be upset?" That is the answer to "Should I make a backup right now?"

The easiest way is to use file explorer and copy - paste. Any decent sized project should have a dozen backups (with different names) in the folder where it is, and then all of them backed up in a different folder, and also on a different drive.

Know two things:

1. Don't trust your IT department to back it up and get back for you. I work at a place large enough that when someone asks for a backup, their question is "Is there litigation pending?" If not, no dice.

2. The question is "What will I do when (not if) something bad happens to my file?"

Catherine Shen

Actually, something interesting is happening... 

I copied my file to an external hard drive and now when I try to eject my hard drive it gives me a similar error message saying that there is some file currently in use (there is nothing though) and will not let me eject the external hard drive. 

Could there be a larger problem with my computer and/or a virus?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Catherine,

I'm sorry to hear that you're unable to access your file. Stacia shared a lot of great points, and I can see from your image that you were working on your C drive, as we always recommend here. Unfortunately if a file has an element of corruption associated with it, there isn't a way to reverse that. You mentioned copying to an external drive - was that something you were doing regularly and possibly opened the file from there before saving/downloading to the local drive? 

Catherine Shen

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for the message. I wasn't doing that. However, I did leave my
computer on last night when I went to sleep and it ran out of batteries
when I woke up this morning. If my Storyline was also open at that time, is
that possible that that whole process is what corrupted the file?

Alex Stanton

No worries,

 This option may also be available to you (assumption this is a windows machine)

System Restore there are guides available for your OS windows 7 8 etc this can roll back your files and folders to a previous date if enabled. WARNING this literally restores your computer to a earlier image  so files programs installed /worked on since that update will effectively disappear as it returns to that state.  

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