Course pauses when user minimizes window

Sep 26, 2018


Im creating a quiz where the user have 90 seconds to answer each question. Since storyline doesn't support timelimits on slides, I have made the timeline 90 seconds long and a layer that gets triggered when timeline ends, with the text "Times up". It all works fine besides that the user can minimize the window, and the timeline pauses. This way its possible to cheat, and do research during each question.

Is there a way to fix this issue? 

31 Replies
Nedim Ramic

I tried to replicate this behavior across major browsers but was unsuccessful. The slide timeline will pause if I navigate to a new browser tab or minimizes the browser window. Is this behavior specific to slides playing media, like videos? If so, I can offer JavaScript to pause the video when the course loses focus and resume playback when it regains focus.

Nedim Ramic

Regarding the initial post question. It's worth noting that if the quiz is timed, switching to another tab or window may pause the timeline, but it won't affect the built-in quiz timer. The timer will continue running regardless of the timeline status. Yes, I can browse and conduct research during the quiz session, but the timer will continue counting down.