Custom Slide Properties change when course is published

Jan 23, 2019

I created a course with a short quiz at the end.  Since the quiz questions do not have audio, I went into the Slide Properties and unchecked the Seekbar.  The slides preview correctly but once I publish the course into the LMS, the seekbar is there.  

3 Replies
Stephanie Merkel

Hi Alyssa

I am using Articulate 360 V3.23.17522.0 and I have viewed the course in both Chrome and IE with the same results.

I actually went into the course this morning and removed the seekbar from the player ; not the ideal solution but I didn’t have any other ideas. It’s frustrating that the course previews fine and then issues surfaces once the course is published and uploaded in the LMS.


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for sharing the additional details and how you were able to correct the issue.

I attempted to recreate the issue you were seeing by leaving the seekbar turned on in the player and removing from the individual slides, but I experienced the same in the published output as the preview - which was a seekbar not present on the slide.

If you are able to recreate it and have a sample we can take a look at, I'd be happy to dive in a bit deeper.

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