Delete submit button from drag and drop

May 31, 2024

I don't need learners to submit this drag and drop. It's simply for them to explore. Does anyone know how to get rid of the submit button? I can't find it at all.

I also don't know why I am not able to with my keyboard navigate through each of the Items (e.g. Race, etc.). I was going to make this fully accessible but I am having trouble figuring out why it's not working as I thought it would. Thanks for your help! 


7 Replies
Ron Price

The options for adjusting focus order and adding alternate text are built into every slide by default.

It does not necessarily mean that what you put on that slide will be accessible.

Here is a link to community discussion about alternate solutions


Phil Mayor

You can make accessible but it is a lot of work and you will not meet WCAG 2.2 without even more work.

To make fully accessible you need to add motion paths that fire off and control where these go using keys, remember the instructions should also explain this. I try and avoid drag and drops for courses that have to be accessible