Disable Next Button until Learner has click all buttons

Dec 21, 2017


I'm trying to disable the Next button until the learner has visited or clicked three buttons on one slide. Each button takes the learner to a new slide and then returns back to the original slide with the three buttons.

I have used variable = both true/false and Text and neither one seems to be working. The Next button remains disabled after I have clicked each button.  Help, please!

10 Replies
Karel Wagner

Wow Cynthia

Are we working on the same project?? I have the exact same problem, except I want the next button to enable when three button show 'visited.' and I can't get it to work. I came to the forum for help. 

I tried adding the trigger to the base layer and it wouldn't work, so I moved it to layer 3 in which I have several buttons I want the user to select before moving on and neither option is working. 

Michael, I've attached my story. if you can assist?

Michael Hinze

See attached a revised file. I changed a couple of things. 1. The triggers to change the buttons to Hover and Visited are not required. These are built-in states and are called automatically as you hover or click. 2. The hotspots to hide layer seem to have prevented the Next button`s state change. have a look and see if that works for you. 

Michael Hinze

Hi Karel, glad to hear that my suggestion worked for you. Yes, these triggers are not wrong (just unnecessary). You still need to hide any layers that may be active when you click the Overview tab, but I moved these triggers to that tab on the baselayer.

Cynthia`s problem is quite different because she jumps to other slides and uses variables, while you are staying on the same slide and use states.

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