Does Results Slide have to be visible to learner, in order to communicate results to LMS?

Apr 06, 2021

Hi, we usually show the Results Slide, as part of the Storyline lesson. However, we have one training, where we want just question feedback visible and no separate slide for Results visible to the learner. So the Results Slide is present, but detached from the slide progression.

Our LMS isn't recognizing the Results and keeps the lesson "in progress" instead of communicating Complete to the LMS.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is showing the Results Slide required now, with the updates last Fall?

4 Replies
Judy Nollet

Hi, Kathryn,

Hmm. I thought it was possible to get completion without actually showing the Results slide (although I've never actually needed to do that myself). 

You could try this:  Just revise the Results slide so it provides the "question feedback" info you want to show. In other words, have the user visit the Results slide, but don't show them the typical content. 

Joseph Francis

Technically, I don't see a reason to have a Results side, other than to satisfy Storyline's need to check a box when needing to report an assessment score to an LMS. Score, completion status, and more-sophisticated bookmarking can just as easily be reported using JavaScript triggers, and at any point within the course, not just the end.

If you're using Storyline 360, you can use the "Complete Course" trigger to communicate completion to an LMS.

Kathryn Bernhardt

Thanks, Judy and Joseph! I agree... we may just use other ways to report to LMS, in cases where we don't need learners to view the Results Slide. An example of this is where there are multiple attempts on a question, so "passing" is a moot point, in a way.

I could have sworn that I created a lesson last year, not showing the Results Slide, and the LMS picked up Results anyway (similar to what Joseph mentioned).

I did submit this question to the Articulate Support team, and got a quick answer -- yes, if you're going to track based on Results, the learner has to be able to view the Results Slide.  See the attachment, if you'd like to know more.  Thanks again for your input!

Joseph Francis

Well...not entirely true.

I have a Storyline test suite (modeled loosely after the AICC/CMI Test Suite Andrew Chemey built in Macromedia Authorware many years ago) which bookmarks sections as they are completed, changes the welcome page based on if this is the initial launch or a subsequent launch, and provides a rudimentary assessment (locked until all other sections have been completed).

It scores just like any other Storyline assessment would, however, the learner never sees the built-in Results slide, as it is safely tucked into an inaccessible scene. The "results" slide I use displays the built-in Results.PassPercent and Results.ScorePercent variables, however, it first sets numUserScore (a variable I created) to Results.ScorePercent. It also uses the built-in Results.ScorePoints variable to either display the Success layer or the Failure layer.

The SCORM communication to the LMS is handled entirely by JavaScript, some of which has been discussed previously on this forum. This includes the bookmarking, user preferences (like language, speed, and narration), score, and completion status. The Publish > Reporting and Tracking > Tracking is Using triggers (e.g., 'complete course'); the Results slide check box is unchecked and the the slide itself is disabled.