Drag and Drop answers show off the screen

Dec 13, 2023

I have lots of examples of this, but every time I create a drag and drop scenario using the Form View of Drag and Drop, when I test out the preview, the draggable items almost always end up off the screen or in different places than they should. 

The only work around I have found is to make a state for drop correct and drop incorrect, in which I guess and check where the piece should land until I find something that is close enough (not ideal at all). For example, if I place a piece and see on the preview that it shoots far off the screen to the left, then I go back to the drop correct state and move the piece really far to the right. Then I preview it again and make adjustments until it ends up near where I want it.

Since this always happens to me, what am I doing wrong? I have attached a video of it here. Thanks for any help!

3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

You need to trust the system, and let it do the work, instead of you doing the work. When you edit a state, there is a small, discrete + on that screen. That is the origin of all of the states. Place the origin of the new state right there, so that when you drag the object, and it changes states, the new state will be where the object is. If you create the new state to the right of the object, every time the new state is used, it will jump that far to the right of the object’s current position. If you drag the object to the right, then change its state (by dropping it on a target,) the new state will jump to the right as far as you moved it when you created it. If, when you create a new state, you create it  right where the object is, then no matter where you move the object, the new state will be right where you drop the object.

An easy to control the position of the new state is to use the X and Y locations on the ribbon. If they are set to 0 (the default), the new state will be where the object is.

Walt Hamilton

Try using the Drag and Drop options in the Question Tools Design ribbon. Experiment with the Drop Target Options.

If you can't find something there that works, attach your .story file here and let somebody take a look at it. There are a lot of options that can be tried if one can touch the actual project.