Drag and Drop game

Mar 05, 2013

I created a drag and drop game and would like the user to be able to reset and keep practicing at their leisure. Is there a trigger option to reset the slide? 

I can't seem to find a way or a workaround, so any suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks.


3 Replies
Jesse Spinella

There are two ways to set this up. One, with a restart trigger, or a reset trigger.

Restart resets the entire course. Reset will just reset the specific slide.

Restart is a built in trigger located under Action: Restart course. If you link it to a button, you're When is: When user clicks. Object is the button you're assigning the trigger to.

Reset has three steps.

1. Create a button to reset the slide

2. Create a trigger on that button that Jumps to the same slide

3. Change the base layer properties When revisiting to Reset to initial state (the base layer properties is located by clicking the cog on the base layer).

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