Drag and Drop in order - Menu item build

Mar 23, 2022

I am creating a Taco build simulation on a slide and am having issues figuring out how to make the use drag and drop in order. I have the images bouncing back to their original spot when not placed on the correct target. I just can't figure out how to get the images to drag in order to the taco wrap.

1 Reply
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Erica.

Thank you for reaching out! 

While there are different ways to accomplish what you're looking for (using variables and states), and I'm looking forward to what others in the community will suggest, here's one way:

  • Create separate targets for each item. They can be transparent or hidden shapes. 
  • Except for the first one (for the tortilla), keep all the targets outside of the main view.
  • Create motion paths that move each target to its place when the user drops the previous object in the previous target:
    • Move meat_target along Line path 1 when tortilla is dropped on tortilla_target.
    • Move cheese_target along Line path 2 when meat is dropped on meat_target.
    • Etc. (I apologize if this is not the correct order - I guess I'm not a great taco builder!)

Take a look at the example below using a grilled cheese:

Screen Recording 2022-03-24 at 10.32.54 AM

I'm also attaching the sample .story file.

I hope this helps!