Drag and Drop interaction - must drag all

Feb 22, 2018

I am creating a drag and drop interaction where there are 6 items to drop.  How do I enforce them all to be dropped?  If you click submit after less than the 6, you get the incorrect feedback.  (then you cannot continue the slide to drop he rest).  I'd like to either get a box that says you must drop all (shown one at a time) or the submit button doesn't appear until after the last of the 6 items is dropped.
I am using SL 360


3 Replies
Susi B

Hi Connie,

you have multiple ways to do that.

You could set the state of the submit button to hidden when the timeliene starts and then change the state to normal, when all items have been dropped (e.g. when the states of all items are correct or not normal if you don´t care if they have to be correct or not).

Or you adjust the incorrect layer and insert a hint, that they have to drop all the items and adjust the button so it closes the layer and the user can drop the missing items.

Or you insert a new hint layer (like the excample of the incorrect layer I wrote before) which shows when not all items are dropped and adjust the submit trigger with a condition to only send the interaction when all items have been dropped. And adjust the correct/incorrect trigger as well.

Maybe this helps a litte to find a way how you want to build this. :)


Vincent Scoma

Hi Heather,

Happy to jump in to help here! 

What might be happening with those drop items is that their states stay as Normal, which is causing the Submit button not to appear. With that said, I created a simple drag and drop interaction that I hope will provide some guidance here. Some key things to note: 

  • I defined the state changes for my shapes.
  • The variable at the top changes from False to True to show when the shapes have changed states. 

Please let us know if you have any questions about this! 

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