Drag and Drop: Normal, Correct, and Incorrect State

Jan 22, 2016

Hi Folks,

I'm very, very new here and really appreciate any advice you can offer!

What I'm trying to do is design a slide, where a user chooses a slang term (from a list of items) and matches it to the appropriate formal language term (for example, matching the slang "hot" to the formal "beautiful"). 

What I'd like to do is display a change state for the "drop box" to show correct or incorrect, based on the users input. This is easy enough, but what I can't seem  to figure out is:

  • How to change the state of the drop box back to normal, if the user drags the correct or incorrect item OFF the box
  • Allow only one item  at at time, to be added to each drop box 
4 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Nava -- Thanks so much for reaching out with your question, and welcome to the community! As you mentioned you are new, I wanted to stop in to share this great overview of all that you can do with SL2! And here is more specific info on using Drag and Drop.

Hopefully, lots of others in the community will chime in with their input an advice, and please note that you are also welcome to reach out in our Building Better Courses forum for additional design suggestions! :) 

Walt Hamilton


Does this do what you want?

1. I added Correct and Incorrect states to all slang terms for testing purposes.

2. Horse, loopy, chick, gonna, worries, and hot all have start shapes. These are invisible shapes under the terms and are necessary to fire the triggers that change the terms back to normal. When they are created (I would copy one that is already there), they need to be the same size as the colored term, and go below the term.

3. Hot and Chick both have the trigger that changes them back to normal when they are drug off. they are the only terms that are fully functional right now. The triggers need to be expanded to include all the start shapes, once they are created.

To open a dialog box that allows you to set the targets so they allow only one dropped item, click here


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