Drag and Drop Project

Aug 26, 2016

Happy Friday. I have a pretty good looking project utilizing the drag and drop feature. Where I am stuck is that I want to allow students to select from (slide 1)a list of 10 items to be either dropped into a waste, recycling or an organics bin. Once they have disposed of all of the selections successfully, I want them to proceed to slide 2 where there are 10 more items (but not the same - randomly selected from the master list of 100. I will have about 10 or more slides that have 10 random items for the students to be tested on. Any ideas?

Thanks very much!

Johnny B  

13 Replies
Ridvan  Saglam

Hi John, 

Your question seemed interesting and challenging, and I wanted to try what I could do.

I prepared a drag and drop quiz for you. I hope it works for you. 

There are just two slides and in the first one, you see the interactions. I didn't use any triggers for the second slide. If you create a question bank consisting of your questions, you can make the questions appear randomly. 

Here is the demo: http://goo.gl/CQKzhG

I have attached the story file.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Ridvan! Hopefully this will assist John. Your visual is helpful and is a standard functionality. I just envisioned that he needed all of those 'drop items' as a random master bank somewhere. Not the questions themselves - but I could have totally over-read into that :) Thanks for your assistance.

John - I hope that helps you on your way :)

John Backewich

Thanks Leslie for jumping in. Yes that is correct. There will be an instruction page that outlines the task at had and then subsequent pages will show a random sample (10) of images from the master library of 100. Each slide then will have the drag and drop functionality allowing the student to experience many different types of recycling options to learn from. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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