Drag & Drop Activity Crashes Storyline When Previewing

Aug 07, 2019

I've discovered that the Drag & Drop activity crashes if the activity is linked to the results slide.

It only seems to crash if the 'Reveal Item one at a time' tab is selected in the Drag & Drop Options, otherwise the interaction and results works fine.

Is there a solution to this?

3 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi there, Jac. Thanks for sharing your file!

Ah, I see the same behavior you described during Preview in Storyline 360, Update 30. Here's a short Peek 360 video of my test!

I don't see anything in your setup that would cause a crash to happen, so I'd like our Support Engineers to weigh in. They're rockstars at tracking down the root of such issues, and I'll follow along so I can circle back with any relevant insight here!

Jac Davies

Hi Katie,

Thanks for getting in touch and recognising the issue.

I was contacted by Jopney, one of Articulate's Engineers, and the issue has been logged.

For others that have come across the same problem, a workaround identified by Jopney was to have all items animate in at the beginning of the timeline. Can be seen here:


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