Edit Settings in a Test Simulation

Sep 04, 2019

I have two questions for test simulations:



I've inserted a simulation in test mode but chose a setting that I'd like to change. The simulation was recorded really poorly so i had to move every single hotspot, reword every single hint / feedback layer because they were completely off and adjust the fine tuning of the timing for every slide, so I'd hate to have to insert it again. Is there a way to edit those test mode settings without having to reinsert the simulation and then having to fix it all over again?

I'd chosen to let learners retry but I want to take that away because I want to be able to give them a score but if I let them retry every incorrect step, they always get 100% and that doesn't reflect how they've done. I didn't realize it would do that, I thought it meant let the learner retry the simulation once they're through it.





Also is there a way to excempt an area of the screen that's outside of the hotspot from counting as "incorrect"? I want my learners to go through a software simulation entering a customer order. In order not to have to remember the customer's order I put an "i" marker with the information for the customer's details and the order details in the bottom right corner of the screen, but when a learner clicks on the marker, because the marker is outside of the hotspot, they get punished for it in their score. I want to avoid that. Any ideas?

Thanks! :)

4 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Stefanie,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing how you would like your Test Mode Screen Recordings to work in your project.

1. You can change the number of attempts within the question slides.

2. The Hotspot works like this by default, with the correct Hotspot being in one location and clicking anywhere else on the slide is incorrect. You can adjust this by changing it to submit by a button instead of on-click and adding the button needed.

I created a short Peek 360 video to explain and my test file is attached below. 

Hope this helps :)

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