Embed 3rd party cbt

May 09, 2016

I have a disc with a module of unknown (antiquated) authoring tool.  I cannot locate the source files.  Can this module be uploaded and presented into Storyline?

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephanie,

Can you see what the file extension is on the files you have? If you don't have any of the source files (Articulate would be: .story, .quiz, .intr, or .ppta the last connected with a .ppt or .pptx file) they can't be imported into Storyline using one of the standard importing options.  

If you have video files or similar, you may be able to import those into Storyline. If you're unsure what you have access too - perhaps a screen shot of the files will help others figure it out. 

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