Error when trying to Copy and Paste a table from PowerPoint to Storyline 3

Jun 12, 2018

Hi All,

So i'm in the middle of creating an e-learning module within storyline 3. I need to copy a table from Powerpoint into Storyline, but each time i go to do this Storyline just decides to freeze and crash each time which means i'm having to force exit.

Is this a known error within storyline or am i just doing something wrong.

Hope someone could advise on this.

Many thanks


9 Replies
Knut Jackowski

Copy pasting tables from PowerPoint to Storyline usually works well, but with one exception: in PowerPoint, you can have images as part of the table, Storyline will not cope with that.

What you can try is to import the slide instead of using copy-paste. If that doesn't work, you might have to remove the images from the table before import and then put them back in manually after you have the basic table in Storyline.

Andrew Pickstone

Hi there,

Just to confirm if I try and copy and paste a table that I've built directly in Storyline 360 from one slide to another it often crashes the software.

As a work around, if I copy and paste the table in to the slide the table is from and then cut and paste the duplicate to the slide I want it usually works fine. 




Alyssa Gomez

Hey Andrew! Sorry that keeps happening to you--I'm sure that's been frustrating. Let's see if we can sort this out:

  • Are you on the latest update of Storyline 360? To check, click the Help tab, then click About Storyline. You should see 3.22.17236.0 in the bottom-right corner. 
  • Does the same thing happen if you repeat your steps in a new Storyline file with a new table?
Katie Riggio

Appreciate you sharing these details with us, Andrew.

While we're glad to hear there's no crashing on a new Storyline file, this is not behavior that we would expect you to have to go through! For next steps, I would ensure all files are on a local hard drive and give Storyline 360 a simple repair to make sure the software is working at its best! 

If you come across this problem again, please let us know. We'll dig a bit deeper to see if we can nail down the culprit!

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