Evaluating a paragraph of text input by the user for keywords in storyline 2

Oct 10, 2017

Is there a way to evaluate a paragraph entered by a user for keywords? 

The goal is for the user to enter in what they know about a topic, and then look for keywords in the text they enter and show keywords that match too that topic. 

I can match exact text and show the results I cannot find if there is a wildcard that can be used in the trigger evaluation.  I have tried *goal*, "goal", %goal% and none of them acted as wildcards. 




4 Replies
Michael Anderson

Tim, I'm not sure about wildcards in triggers, and how you might accomplish this that way, so maybe Articulate Support will have something to add there. I do think that you could do this rather easily with javascript though. Do you have access to a javascript developer at your company? If not, I may be able to assist you.

Tim Venettozzi

Yes thank you Micheal working great.

I find it engaging to give users an option to state what they think the features of a product are and then be able to evaluate and compare and give them advice on their next steps. 

In the project I am working on currently the user may or may not know something about the product, we give them too choices 1) explain it in your wording, 2) see product overview.   On #1 depending on how many keywords they get we either tell them to review the product overview or continue onto the deeper WBT's. 

Sorry for the delay in responding this went to spam :)


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