"Exception during import Powerpoint" error

Feb 25, 2017

Hello everyone,

I'm having some issues importing a powerpoint deck into Storyline 2. Every time I try to import it I get the following error:


Storyline error message

The powerpoint file is located on my C drive. I've tried importing other pptx files and they've worked fine, but this one just isn't working.

I've attached the PPT file itself, in case that's useful. 


3 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Matt

I tried changing the name - no success, moving location on C:drive - no success, created a new master layout and deleted your custom master layout - no success.

I think the pptx is corrupt.

I created a new pptx file and copy/pasted the contents of the first slide (not the master slide) and it imported fine.

Good luck

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Matt,

Sorry to hear you've stumbled upon a corrupt .pptx file - never a good thing, especially on a weekend! Hopefully Wendy's tip will get you situated with this one particular file, and if you're looking to prevent file corruption in the future the tips here are specific to Storyline, but ultimately they're good practices as a whole. We also have the steps  here on how to fix a corrupt Powerpoint, which refer to Presenter '13, but may be able to help you out as well! 

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