Exit Animations

Jul 23, 2012

Anyone know of a way to slow down an exit animation even slower that the "very slow" option? I have a slide where I reveal some different items and I want the white box that covers them to "very very slowly" reveal them....any ideas?

Thanks for your help.

7 Replies
Bret Deardorff

Diane Elkins said:

Could you do it with a series of small white boxes, each one disappearing in the timeline at the interval of your choice?  What I'm envisioning is a series of narrow "strips" that go the full width of the coverage area.  They can still each have an animation, but then the tiiming would allow for a pause between them.

Diane, That's what I was thinking and I do believe that would work fine...only I will need to build 28 boxes and the associated animations as well....Was hoping for an idea that would not involve so many objects, animations, etc. Hopefully someone smarter than I will come up with a good answer...sounds like Rebecca is interested as well.

Steve Flowers

Bret -

The other option is to use a Flash based overlay. If you don't need to target devices (iOS / HTML5), this could work really well. If you don't have Flash, I'm sure someone could be persuaded to build you something nice I'm thinking it would be relatively easy to build a "magic carpet" reveal mechanism that is adjustable with a variable in Storyline (color, speed, direction).

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