Exit course/close browser window not working correctly

Jan 16, 2021

I have a storyline 360 file that I am publishing as HTML5 and launching using aws. The issue is that the exit button does not close the browser window. I have adjusted the player settings to launch in a new window and that doesn't appear to be working, either. I know that I need to add JS to make the exit button work but I am not sure of the exact script to add. I am using a Chrome browser to test this, btw. Thanks for any help.

8 Replies
Joseph Francis

When you open the new tab, do you use a straight HTML link:

<a href="https://www.google.com/" target="_blank">Go to Google</a>

or JavaScript:

<button onclick="Open()">Google</button>

function Open() { 

window.open("https://www.google.com", "_blank"); 

The reason I ask is because you can only close a tab (window) using JavaScript if it was OPENED using JavaScript.