Exit Course Trigger does not work in Absorb

Aug 07, 2014

Hi, I have created an e-learning in Storyline 6 1407 2208 with several Exit Course Triggers, some from a button, some when the user clicks on Next. They work in Articulate online or locally but do not work in Absorb LMS. I am linking the course to index_lms.

I have tried changes to configuration.js as recommended and tried setting the player to opening in a new window but nothing seems to change the fact that it doesn't work in Absorb.

Any help would be very gratefully received.

Thank you



1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Gary and welcome to Heroes!

It sounds like you've tried some of the steps mentioned in this troubleshooting article, and if changing the configuration.js did not work were you able to follow the additional step of:

If it still doesn't work, try changing the line in step 3 to: var EXIT_BEHAVIOR = “ALWAYS_CLOSE_TOP”;

As that article describes, you may also want to look into the troubleshooting method for the browser security as well.

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