Exit course trigger not working when publishing for Web in Storyline 2

Jul 25, 2016

I've seen several discussions about this and followed what was recommended. The "Launch player in new window" checkbox is selected, and I'm accessing the link on a server, not my hard drive. But when I click the Exit button nothing happens - the window remains open.

It's not embedded on a web page, I'm just accessing via the link to the server. And I am on the most recent version of SL2 with all updates installed.

Any ideas or suggestions?



7 Replies
Jeanette Cereske

Hi Leslie,

I'm sorry for the late reply, I was out of the office last week due to a family emergency.

The Save & Exit worked on the link that you sent, so it does seem to be limited to my environment. However, I think I figured out what the problem is. The file is on an external server, however I access that server through Webdrive. I had someone in my company who does not have Webdrive on their laptop try it and Save & Exit worked for him. 

Does that make sense?



Jeanette Cereske

Hi Leslie,

WebDrive is a drive mapping utility that you use to access remote file servers, so I thought that it could be that the server was considered local since Webdrive is Drive D on my laptop. 

That said, the Save & Exit is now working on my machine when deployed as a link on the external server! I did a Webdrive update, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it,  but I'm glad it's working.

Thanks for your assistance.


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