Feature requst: more options when importing questions from excel

Nov 04, 2014

Following this tutorial, we import hundreds of questions from excel - and its a wonderful addition to storyline 2.

We are presented with this import dialog:

When done, I find myself, changing the same options in the Question Form View over and over again, so I'm wishing for an option to set at least the following options at import time (or in the excel file or in general settings): Feedback (by question/none), Shuffle, Attempts, Correct feedback, Incorrect feedback, Try again feedback - as highlighted below:

Kind regards

7 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi BJarne,

I've not used this feature, but what you're saying sounds like a great idea, so I thought I'd send you the feature request link.

Also, wondering if anyone has workaround for this - perhaps via Excel after the import? As I've said, I've not done it so I don't know what the .xls or .xlsx file looks like, but now I'm curious.

Russ Sawchuk

Having just upgraded to SL2, I am planning on updating some of our quizzes. This involves thousands of questions so the import function may save some time.

However, we always do question-level feedback, not response-level feedback. Is there a way to format the questions prior to importing to achieve this?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Russ, 

Do you mean choice level feedback? If so, for choice-level feedback, separate each answer choice and its feedback with a pipe (|) within your import file.

Example: Houston | Sorry, the capital of Texas is Austin. 

For more information on the options available as a part of importing in an Excel file please review the tutorial here. 

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