Importing rationales into Storyline 360

Jul 15, 2019

Is there a way to import rationales into the following fields of a question: "Correct", "Incorrect", and "Post-Quiz Review"?  I have products with over 250 questions imported from an excel spreadsheet. I have to copy the rationale from the option to the "correct", "incorrect" and "post-quiz review" in order to use the feature for feedback per question and to get feedback on review of quiz. Needless to say, copying the rationale on 250 questions is time consuming. There should be an easier way.


Thank you for your prompt reply.

11 Replies
Jerry Beaucaire

I believe this is where Quizmaker 360 helps you.  You can use the Excel Template to align your content from your existing Excel wb into the template, the import the template into QM to get them into Articulate format.

From there you can import the questions you want into SL and format them fabulously, or do all the work in QM.

Don Griesheimer

Phil, thank you for responding. I can import questions, options and option-level rationales. However, I can not find a way to import question-level "correct" answer rationales, question-level "incorrect" rationales, or question-level "Post-quiz Review" feedback. 

Can anyone help me with the question-level import fields?

Thank you in advance.

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