Feedback Master

Jul 18, 2022

I am trying to create 3 different Feedback "Incorrect Answer" layouts.  This is no problem.  The problem comes in when I try to create the triggers.  I'm not certain how to write it to state if this answer is selected, use Incorrect, or if another answer is selected, use Incorrect Feedback 2, and so on.  I hope someone can help me with these triggers!

7 Replies
Judy Nollet

You'll need triggers that branch to the appropriate Incorrect layer based on trigger conditions that check which answer was selected. 

Another option: Just use the default Incorrect layer, but display different info based on what was selected. For example, you could adjust the state of the feedback text, or show/hide custom objects using triggers with conditions. The advantage with this option is that you can use the built-in functions for showing the proper layer. 

This post has info about customizing the Try Again layer based on the attempt #. It might help you with the basics of adjusting states on a question layer: 

If you're not familiar with conditions, you might also want to check out this article in the User Guide: 

Wade Crabtree


I knew about the conditions, however, even though I have set the 3 correct answers to be selected, then it should show the layer Correct Feedback, it always shows the Incorrect Feedback layer.




I'm missing something, and not sure what that "something" is!





Judy Nollet


I don't know why that trigger with conditions isn't showing the Correct layer. But why do you have it at all?

If all of the correct options are selected, the program will automatically show the Correct layer when the "Submit Multiple Response" trigger runs. It may be that running both those triggers is confusing the program. 

As I said above, it's best to use the built-in quizzing functions as much as possible. I suggest you delete the "Show layer Correct layer" trigger, and see if that helps the slide work.

Wade Crabtree

I need to add the Conditions. I have 3 different "incorrect" layers and each one is based on a certain answer. Just for an idea of how it needs to work:

So if you answer Red and that is the incorrect answer you will get one of the "incorrect" layers.

If you answer Green and that is the incorrect answer you will get a different "incorrect" layer. It may have hints on it in order to get the correct answer.

And finally, if you answer Purple and that is the incorrect answer you will get another, different "incorrect" layer.

I'm using the Conditions, as stated, but it's just not working. An incorrect answer always goes to the default Incorrect layer.

Hope this makes sense.



Judy Nollet

Hi, Wade,

Here's another option to consider: put triggers on the default Incorrect layer that show the appropriate custom incorrect layer based on how the user answered. For example, show layer "Incorrect-Green" if the "green" button is selected. 

  • Doing that, it's possible the course will briefly flash the default Incorrect layer. To avoid that, consider keeping the default Incorrect layer blank, and then use triggers to advance to all of the appropriate custom layer. 

Personally, I'd use only the default Incorrect layer and display different info on that layer based on what was selected (as I suggested above). But there are usually multiple ways to accomplish the same thing, so go with your personal preference.