Feedback not working - Visual Feedback for Quiz Results

Mar 22, 2016

Hello community,

I have always used my results method and the end of the final quiz and it has worked well. In Storyline 1 that is. I recently copied my triggers, variables, etc over to a quiz in Storyline 2. Something isn't working. If the user passes, or fails, the "Success" layer shows for both. If anyone has time to look at my file I would appreciate help on this.

David Anderson posted a discussion on this:

5 Replies
Justin Wilcox

Hi Rosie. 

I took a look at your .story file and the issue appears to be that you have multiple variables tied to scoring but the one that is valid for the quiz you have inserted is Resulsts3.PassPoints. 

So if you update the Show layer Success and the Show layer Failure trigger conditions as shown in the image above that should resolve your issue. I posted the .story file I worked on so you can see. 

Vanessa M

Hi Justin, 

Would you mind looking at this one more time. I copied your triggers updates. The original issue was, whether user passes or fails the SUCCESS layer shows. With the updated trigger, whether user passes or fails the FAILURE layer shows. I have tried every trigger nothing is working. I know this might be tricky but if you try to pass and then fail you'll see that the same feedback is given. Ready to throw my computer out the window!

Justin Wilcox

Hi Rosie. 

If you download the QuizFeedback-2.story file I attached you should see what I did as far as setting the conditions of the triggers. You just need to make sure that the conditions are using the correct variable which is Resulsts3.PassPoints. The .story file I attached is a fixed version and works as expected so you could use that as your starting point. 

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