Firefox Display Problems within Modal

Aug 18, 2015

Hello, I have been having trouble getting the story.html file to display within a modal in Firefox. Other browsers I have tested appear to be working fine (Chrome, IE). While testing in Firefox I tried altering the code a bit with Firebug, if I change the source to story_html5.html it works fine. Is there a way to automatically change to the story_html5.html file if the story.html file is not working?  I would love to hear from anyone else who has experienced a problem like this, or any possible solutions? Thanks!

5 Replies
Colin Garcia

Thank you for your help Ashley, I believe our CMS automatically points to the story.html file as it stands now. Changing that to point to the HTML5 version is definitely something to think about. I was able to get the story file to show up, it ended up being a change I had to make to a variable within the story.html file. The story will show up in Firefox if I change var g_strWMode = "window"; to var g_strWMode = "opaque";.

I am curious though if there is a way to do this from within Articulate, instead of having to open the story.html file and change it in a text editor. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Colin, 

We don't have a feature that would allow for you to only utilize the HTML5 content as a part of publishing, as it'll always publish for Flash and then you can choose to add the html5 output. Making changes to the published output, although often mentioned by folks in the forums,  is not something we can offer support for. 

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