Fonts don't display correctly in Storyline 1!

Apr 04, 2016

I am working in Storyline 1 and am using the font Calibri. When I preview or publish a project the font looks all jagged. Any suggestions on getting around this? I have tried to reinstall the font and that doesn't help.

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kelly,

Thanks for reaching out here, and I'm sorry to hear about the odd behavior you've seen, The first thing I'd check into is the DPI setting you're using and to then also confirm you're viewing and editing the slides at 100% zoom, as using a different zoom in Storyline 1 can change the way it appears in preview or publish. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Kelly for sharing it - and I took a look at your example and previewed it as well. I'd agree with Phil based on how Storyline 1 rendered text, and that there is a slight blurriness - with the comparison below.


We changed how text was handled in Storyline 2 to provide a better experience based on user feedback. 

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