Forcing all questions to be answered before final submit

Aug 09, 2016

Is there a way to force a question to be answered before clicking submit on the last question and receiving results? I want my students to be able to skip a question if it is too difficult and move on to the next question but I want to make sure that all questions are answered before being able to click Submit on the final question. Right now, if a question goes unanswered, Articulate will mark it wrong when the user clicks Submit on the last question.

Thanks for your help. I greatly appreciate it.

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Giovanni! Sounds like you are utilizing the solution to Submit All similar to the one posted here. When you use Prev and Next buttons for navigation, it's easy for learners to skip questions without answering them. If they reach the result slide without answering all the questions, it'll negatively impact their scores. You may want to warn learners about skipping questions and ask them to confirm that they're ready to submit their answers before jumping to the result slide.

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